Today I'll be tasting Working Hard New England IPA, brought to you by Muddy York Brewing Co out of Toronto, Ontario. This beer is hazy, medium to high carbonation, and it smells like gold. It's 6.5 %, so this is a stiff one. There's a bit of a frothy head on it, which is unusual for an IPA in my experience.
Now for the taste:
Now that's a hoppy beer! This beer is rich with hoppy goodness, with a nice mix of fruitiness to help ride the storm. The initial taste is straight up hops, then there's a really nice fruity middle component, and then a sharply bitter finish. It's about what I expect from an IPA with the notable exception that I can actually taste the mango in it.
My rating: 7.5/10
All in all, I like this beer. The strong hoppy introduction might be off-putting for someone not familiar with craft beers, but the fruity finish makes this beer easy drinking and delicious.
The perfect serving glass for a New England IPA is the IPA glass, to ensure the maximum richness this beer has to offer.
My wife is my second sipper, and she doesn't like hoppy beers. Shre really doesn't.
My wife's rating: 1/10
There you have it, friends. Working Hard New England IPA is brewed in Toronto, Ontario by the fine folds over at Muddy York Brewing Co. Check out their other 13 beers at muddyyorkbrewing.com