I'm not entirely sure if this counts as a craft beer, but today I'm reviewing the "Special Edition" Urbock Dark Lager by Creemore Springs Brewery Limited located in...wait for it...Creemore, Ontario. It's beautiful in the glass; dark brown, lightly carbonated and just a work of art. Art that can make you a great dancer at 6%.
Now to taste the art.
That is a tasty brew. It reminds me of an English best bitter, or Caffery's without the nitro. It's not too heavy for a dark lager; it starts off strong, but finishes nice and smooth with a light bitter after taste. I could see myself sitting in a basement pub somewhere sipping away on a pint or two of these beers while people around me get excited about soccer for reasons I just don't understand.
My rating: 8/10
I like this beer and I will buy it again. If you like English beers, I think you'll like this one.
My wife is my second sipper and she disagrees. Profusely.
My wife's rating: 1/10
There you have it, friends. Creemore Springs Brewing Limited's Urbock Dark Lager from Creemore, Ontario is a dark and delicious brew. If it's not inspired by the English, it's very reminiscent of those fine brews. Visit creemoresprings.com for more options and styles of good Canadian beer.