Welcome to Beers and Such, the best craft beer review website I have personally ever run. Here you'll find all kinds of craft beers that have been reviewed by a non-expert that is learning as he goes. Come along and learn with me.
Today we are going to have a look at Symphony Hazy IPA by the brewery with the best name ever, Rhythm and Brews in Cambridge, Ontario. For anyone interested, that's just down the road from me.
The light yellowy colour and fresh fruit smell might make you think this is an easy going beer that a guy could almost give to a child that's 18.9 years old, but I should warn you this bad boy is a hefty 6.9%. Best leave this one off the menu until 0.1 more years have gone by just to be safe.
Alright, I can hear you all screaming for me to get on with it and have a drink already, so I will.
I'm going to go all out here and just say "Gack!"
The intro is nice. It's a pretty light hop taste up front, then it tastes like Budweiser through the middle. Depending on your opinion of Budweiser, that could be a good thing. But, after the bud, it goes horribly wrong. The finish is all kinds of nasty, but the aftertaste! The aftertaste is ungodly. And it's sticky in the sense that it just won't go away. If anything, it gets worse the longer it's in my mouth.
Now, I guess that could be a brilliant way to get people to keep drinking...think about it. If the aftertaste demands you wash it out of your mouth or it will eventually overtake your entire being, you're going to take a drink of whatever is closest to you. And what would that be? The rest of the beer, of course.
After the beer is gone, you're gonna want some water or mouthwash or something. Trust me.
Normally this is where I would recommend glassware, but this beer has inspired me to break with tradition and invite you all to avoid this beer at all costs and keep your glasses prepared for something better.
My rating: 2/10. I like the name of the brewery and the very initial taste of this beer. That is all.
My wife is unavailable, but I feel confident that her rating would be an integer less than 0.
There you have it, friends. Symphony Hazy IPA by Rhythm and Brews in Cambridge is wretched and I do not recommend it. Check out rhythmandbrews.ca for other (hopefully better) offerings.