Hello, and welcome to Beers and Such, the craft beer review site that reviews craft beers. Surprised? I didn't think so. This is the internet's one and only beer review site that is hand crafted as lovingly as the beers being reviewed, right here on my kitchen table.

Today I'm continuing with my East Coast connection and reviewing Space Words Triple IPA by 2Crows Brewing Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Big shout out to Halifax Neil for finding and sending me this beer and 3 others you'll find reviewed here on this site.
First, a warning: 10.1. That's the % in this beer. 10.1%! Sweet baby Jebus, that's a stiff one. It smells hoppy and I think I can smell the bitterness. I expect this beer the throw a hop sandwich at my face and leave me feeling a little angry at small things. I also fully expect to be feeling pretty good after this one. Despite hosting a beer review site, I really don't drink much, so this beer will do me in for sure.
But enough blabbing on already. Let's get to it.
Hmmm. Ok, so my first sip was indeed a slap in the taste buds with a hop heavy mallet, but to my surprise, there was no bitterness at all. It had an almost lager kind of finish, but not quite. A second surprise is how different this beer tastes after that first sip. It's like a whole different beer.
It's not as hoppy as the first sip, and the flavour changed to...something else? I can only assume it's a hop flavour, but not one I've come across before so it's hard to explain. There's still no bitterness to it, but there is an after taste. I just can't place what it is. My mouth is confused.
As you can probably see, this beer has me tongue tied. I'm not at all sure where to place this beer. It could have to do with it being a triple IPA, and I believe it's a first for me. This could be exactly what a triple IPA is supposed to taste like.
All in all, I can't count myself among the biggest fans of this beer. It's interesting and I like the can and the brewery name, but I can't imagine I would drink more that one of these. Not only for the confusing and ever changing taste, but as I mentioned earlier, I am a super lightweight and two of these would do damage to me.
My rating: 4/10. It just doesn't get my blood pumping.
My wife has come out of retirement, it seems. She chose a tough beer to come back to, but she's a trooper. She didn't care for it, but she did give it a better rating than I expected.
My wife's rating: 3/10. Not bad.
There you have it, friends. Space Words Triple IPA by 2Crows Brewing Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia is nothing like any other beers I've tried and reviewed on this blog. Like any beer, it's worth a try, and you might like it a lot more than I do. Check out what else 2Crows has to offer at 2crowsbrewing.com