Welcome back to the blog. Today I am reviewing Red Racer IPA by none other than Central City Brewers + Distillers located in Surrey, BC. It's a strong beer coming in at 6.5%, it's red-ish hue is where it gets its name would be my guess, and it looks great in the glass. It doesn't smell hoppy, I don't think, but the can says it has an intense citrus-pine hop character. I better test that assertion.
Well well well. That is a good tasting beer. It's not hoppy at all, but if there's any hop flavour at all, it's right at the beginning. After the very brief hop start, it quickly moves to a delightful bitterness that leaves me wanting another sip. It doesn't overpower itself at any point, and for me the mild hop flavour is really nice. I like my hops to be present, but not always the center of attention.
I can see myself sitting at a computer typing a beer review on my beer blog while I sip this beer. There are other scenarios where this beer would fit nicely, but that's what came to mind as I sip this delicious brew.
As the name would suggest, this IPA is best served in an IPA glass to really get the full experience of what this beer has to offer.
My rating: 9/10
My wife is my second sipper, and she really doesn't like bitter beers.
My wife's rating: 1/10
There you have it, friends. Red Racer IPA from Central City Brewers and Distillers is a really good beer that I highly recommend. Find out more about this beer at redracerbeer.com
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