Today I bring to you Great Lakes Brewing Company's Pompous Ass English Ale. It's brewed in Toronto, Ontario and is the first lightweight beer I've reviewed at 4.2%. It's dark but not black, lightly carbonated as seems to be the standard with craft beer, and as a big fan of English beer, I am excited about this one.
Less talking, more tasting.
It's so good. It's a full flavoured English ale in all it's glory. It starts with a nice malt flavour that tastes like it should, then pretty quickly fades away to almost nothing. There's no significant aftertaste, which is a quality I'm personally a fan of, and it's really easy to drink. At 4.2% a guy can put a few of these down and still be well aware that back flips are not a good idea if he can't do a backflip before drinking.
This beer fits in any situation I can see myself in where drinking beer is appropriate. Summer days mowing the lawn, winter nights sitting at home waiting for summer to come back, and all points in between. I really like this beer.
Get the full English Ale experience by drinking this fine beer from a pint glass like the old steady drinkers in pubs all over England like to do. It's tradition!
My rating: 8.5/10
My wife is my second sipper and not really a beer drinker, but she likes this one. I was pretty surprised, actually.
My wife's rating: 6.5/10
There you have it, friends. Pompous Ass English Ale by Great Lakes Brewery in Toronto, Ontario is a beer you should definitely check out if you're a fan of English beer. Check out all that Great Lakes Brewery has to offer at greatlakesbeer.com