Today I bring to you all the way from Toronto, Ontario a beer called Kapow by Rainhard Brewing Company. It's a beefy 6.5%, lightly carbonated, and I would call it honey coloured. It comes in a dark themed can - sort of revolutionary looking - and features a Molotov cocktail clenched in a fist.
Powerful image, now let's try the beer.
That's a good beer! Wow. I expected a bitter, hoppy start to this one for some reason, but that's not at all what I got from it. It's got a hint of hops, but it fades before you even really know it's there. The main flavour is lightly fruity without being a fruit salad, and it finishes clean. There's almost no after taste.
This is an anytime anywhere beer. Hanging out with friends, doing yard work around the house, or driving to the in-laws, this beer will fit right in. (Don't actually drink and drive, fellas. Seriously. Just don't)
My rating: 10/10
I was expecting something completely different with this beer, and I am very pleasantly surprised. It's light, easy drinking, and delicious. What else can you ask for in a beer?
My wife is my second sipper, and she agrees with me on this brew.
My wife's rating 8/10 (That's basically a 10, but she doesn't really like beer).
There you have it, my friends. Kapow by Rainhard Brewing Company out of the Toronto stockyards. Go check out the Rainhard website at to take a look at what the fine folks over there have to offer. If the rest of their beers are as good as Kapow, you'll be glad you did.