Welcome to Beers and Such, the place where I talk about beers and such. I do beer reviews of craft beers I find in my local LCBO, and in not so local LCBO's that I happen to visit. I'm also happy to host beer reviews from followers, so keep that in mind.
Today I am reviewing a very local beer called Iron Spike Copper Ale by Railway City Brewing Co right here in glorious St Thomas, Ontario. I have done a couple other RCB beers on this blog and so far, they've been pretty good. Let's hope this one is good, too.
It's a really nice looking beer. It's red, it's filtered, it's 4.4%, and I'm excited about trying this one. I even like the design on the can. I don't do a whole lot of ale reviews, so I apologize in advance if I don't do it justice. I can promise you, I will give you my honest opinion of it.
Alright, enough of the gabbing. Beer needs to be tasted not talked about.
Well that's a nice tasting beer. It's smooth and it's clean. I have done so many IPA's and stouts that this is a big change. A good change for the record. I really like the non-traditional flavour of this beer compared to the standard ales on the market. It's rich flavour is miles ahead of the beers that bore me so much these days.
There isn't much of an after taste. It just comes in and makes your mouth happy and then leaves you with fond memories of a good time. What more can a guy ask for in a beer, really?
I can see casually drinking several of these beers all day long and enjoying a steady slow burn. Not everyday because that would mean I have a significant drinking problem, but definitely on a holiday with no driving plans or any chance of operating heavy machinery. Child care is probably not that great an idea as the day wears on either...
Anyway, if you decide to partake in a few of these babies, get yourself a sweet set of standard pint glasses for you and your friends. They'll think you're quite a sophisticated host to offer delicious red beers in some sweet glasses.
My rating: 8.5/10.
My lovely wife is my second sipper and she basically liked this beer, too. For those of you just joining this blog, my wife is not a beer drinker so anything over a 2 is a pretty good rating.
My wife's rating: 4.5/10
There you have it, friends. Iron Spike Copper Ale by Railway City Brewing Co here in St Thomas, Ontario is a good, easy drinking beer that will go great in almost any situation. Check out railwaycitybrewing.com to get a better look at their beer selection. I can tell you their charcoal porter is really really good.