Yeah, so? If you spend too much time drinking all these delicious beers on this site, your ass is going to need some fitness, don't you think?
That being said, if you're like me, going to the gym is the least exciting thing a guy can do. I know it's good for my health, both physically and mentally, but for the love of all things manly I just can't do it. Going to a public place to pick up heavy things in awkward positions and then putting them back down just doesn't get the ol motor running.
So is my advice to not go to the gym? That would be some easy to follow advice, right? But no. That would be bad advice. My actual advice is to sign up for jiu jitsu.
Hear me out.
As I said earlier, going to the gym is boring and really hard to get excited about, but it's good for you. Jiu Jitsu is a really hard workout that actually gives you a devastating skill, and it will increase your manliness exponentially. Just kidding about that last one...
Seriously though, with a class full of people that come to expect to see you there, you have accountability to others which is motivating, and for me and people like me, you're always learning new things which is incredibly rewarding. Way moreso than doing one more rep or adding another 5 pounds to a lift.
I'm not bashing the gym. I'm not, it's just not for me. I believe in exercise and I believe in keeping yourself in some kind of shape for longevity, and if that means resistance training to you, then go for it. I hope you kill it and it's a positive element in your life.
Last week I leaned how to do a cartwheel pass when someone is in guard and it was like a hit from a crack pipe (which I've never actually done, so that's more of a slang sort of reference than speaking from experience). I have never experienced anything like that from going to the gym.
Finally, there's one last thing I want to mention. Before I ever stepped foot on a mat, I pictured a bunch of black belts all lined up waiting for new blood they could whoop on. It's an intimidating idea, but it's also total bullshit. The people that have put in the time to work their way up to black belt have been beat so many times they have nothing to prove by beating on a newbie. The are helpful with new people, explaining every little detail and making sure everyone around them get better every class.
It's nerve wracking to take up something like this: I get it. Nerves are normal, especially when you're going into a place where people are trained to break limbs, choke the life out of you, or at the very least, punch you in the face. But don't let that stop you!
Realistically, exercise is important for everyone on many levels. Countless studies have shown the benefits from greater mental health, higher quality of life, and of course not wheezing when you walk up a flight of stairs. I chose jiu jitsu but anything you are interested in trying out is worth a shot. Have you always wanted to try mountain biking? You should try it then. Ballroom dancing? If that gets you off the couch and moving your body, then do it.
Anything at all is better than nothing, so think of that thing you've always wanted to try but constantly talk yourself out of and just do it. Yes it will be intimidating at first, and yes you will suck at it at first, but just remember every single person that's ever tried whatever it is you chose was intimidated to start and they sucked at it, too. That's just the cost to get started.
If this post gets even one person up and into something active they've always wanted to do, then it's a success. I hope that one person is you.