Today we're going to take a gander at Electric Unicorn White IPA by Phillips Brewing and Malting Company in Victoria, BC and Toronto, Ontario. I have to admit the can got my attention: how can a guy turn down a space unicorn shooting lasers out of its eyes? I can't pass that up.
Casting an eye or two over it, it's a hazy brew. Light carbonation as seems to be the theme among IPA's, and one that I'm happy about. Is there anything worse than huge bubbles that threaten to go up your nose and then fill you up with gas?
Well, yeah. There's lots of stuff worse than that, but it still sucks.
Let's have a taste of this space brew.
That's a pretty good beer. The big blast of hops I've come to expect from IPA's is actually very mild. There's not much of a mid range flavour and then it moves quietly to faint aftertaste that I strain to call bitter. That's a complicated way of saying it's a light, easy drinking beer that won't overpower you with any of the hallmarks of an IPA.
At 6.5%, it might overpower your common sense and lead you believe you can suddenly do sweet backflips and leap over stationary objects that you cannot actually leap over. We've all seen the fail videos on YouTube, and they are awesome. Watching drunkards damage internal organs is always a good time.
All in all I like this beer. It's a good fit in any situation except driving or AA meetings. And most, if not all, church related functions...
Get yourself a nice set of IPA glasses to give this brew it's proper due. You and a couple friends could easily pass the night away pouring Electric Unicorns down your necks and getting up to no good.
My rating: 8.5/10
My lovely wife is my second sipper and hates IPA's.
My wife's rating: 3.5/10
There you have it, friends. Electric Unicorn by Phillips Brewing and Malting Company in both Victoria, BC and Toronto, Ontario is a dangerously easy to drink White IPA that I am confident a craft beer drinker will enjoy. Swing by to take a virtual and COVID free stroll through their beer line up. There's a chocolate porter that might just end up on this blog in the not too distant future.